Capture the Flag

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This game is best done on a reaching course, however you can modify it to whatever suits your sailors best. Set the game up by setting two boxes with 6 marks, as shown above. You will then need an extra mark on either side towards the back (as displayed the red marks), to these marks attach a flag. You can tie a flag to the base of the mark, or use whatever you have on hand. The aim of the game is for a team to steal the other team’s flag and bring it back to their side before the other team does the same.

Rules of the Game:

  • Everyone starts on their team’s side, the game commences with a whistle from the coach
  • All racing rules apply that are applicable
  • One player on each team has a watergun, if a sailor gets hit with the watergun, they must do a 360, and if they have the flag, the flag must be returned to its buoy
  • The watergun must stay on its side, you may not hit anyone with a watergun while you are out of your zone
  • Once a team successfully captures the flag and brings it back to their side, the game is over. Switch sides and play again


  • Have multiple flags on each side, the first team with all the flags wins
  • Have a different system for the watergun, for instance you could use a pool noodle, and if you get hit with the pool noodle you must return the flag instead