Upwind Triangle

Another great collector drill, this is good for Level 1s who have mastered the reach and are ready to start sailing upwind and downwind.

Teaching points:

  • Sail pulled in to corner of the boat for Close Haul
  • Let sail out 3/4 of the way for Broad Reach
  • Control gybes
  • What to do if you’re not laying the top mark


  • If some sailors are more advanced than others, you can have those sailors doing this triangle while others continue to work on the reaching sausage. This gives kids the option to push themselves, but not forcing them so far out of their comfort zone that it puts them off. It is important that all sailors are able to improve at their own pace
  • Once sailors advance further, increase the distance of the windward mark so they have to tack to get to it
  • Paperclip Drill